About us

The Minch Candle Co. is committed to ethical trading, being socially, economically and environmentally responsible. Reducing the environmental impact of our products ensuring we source through recognized standards such as FSC approved and by using recyclable material wherever possible.

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Endless testing to ensure a top level of safety in our products. Doing no harm while creating the best candle we can.

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Vegan Friendly

Our products use natural waxes, vegan friendly, animal cruelty free fragrances for the cleanest burn in our candles.

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The 5 R’s

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. We are incorporating these principles in the materials we use every day.

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Giving Back

10% of profits from every purchase will be donated to local charities or volunteer groups that work up and down the Minch.

Feel free to get in touch about any queries you may have.